Hiring Tips

Simple Yet Effective Ways to Retain Caregivers

Is your home care company experiencing high caregiver turnover? Do you notice a particular cycle—hire-train-resign? Then, it's time to find simple yet effective ways to retain caregivers before you start hiring again.

Show appreciation.

Caregiving is not an easy task. However, giving your caregivers recognition for their efforts and loyalty will make them feel appreciated and inspire them to work harder. You can show your appreciation by giving them rewards. Or, a simple pat on the back or thank you every time you see them will give them renewed energy.

Set clear expectations with the first client.

Caregivers, particularly those new in the field, must have clear expectations about the client and the families they will work with before the official start of work. Giving caregivers sufficient information will make them feel confident even in their first few days. They must also know the tasks expected of them and the roles of the family members to avoid issues. Likewise, you must call them after their first day of work to check how and if they are comfortable with their new job. 

Do not overwork caregivers.

Keeping them busy is one of the best ways to retain them. However, make sure that you do not overwork them. While your home care company needs to gain new clients, you must also remember that caregivers must have time to relax. If you know their preferred schedules are already full, find new caregivers to take on new clients.

Hold group meetings and offer continuous training.

Hold group meetings so they will have the opportunity to share their experiences and voice their opinions. These types of discussions every month not only promote engagement but also allow you to improve your home care services. On the other hand, continuous training will remind them of their work's value and importance to the company.


There are so many reasons caregiver leaves home care companies. Therefore, your caregiver retaining approaches must be already in place before starting your hiring process. The above list is only some simple yet effective ways to retain caregivers.